How much is Too much?

 " STOP?!!" is an alarming word. It brings things to standstill- be it the traffic,  the crowd, the actions or the thoughts. It may be an external command or internal dominance over self. It could be a causal request of a tickled mind bursting into bouts of laughter or a plead from the abused body. It represents a strong warning by determined agitation or just a humble appeal by a not so feeble heart. The form could be anything from mild to moderate to severe. As scale of severity fluctuates, so does the circumstances at which it has to be produced and reproduced is variable. 

      Who decides when its enough? Who decides when to call quits?  The indulgence into anything is a matter of choice or circumstances? Or both. The decision maker is the indulgent or the object of indulgence? Questions are generated at one question per 10secs. Is it too much? 

    STOP is an emotion that overflows after an excess. The excess of love, hatred, discipline, indifference, rigidity, flexibility and such ocean of emotions. Love when it kills. Hatred when it destroys. Discipline when it breaks rules. Flexibility that breaks. Rigidity that sets into a rigor mortis. 

  Whatever maybe the emotion, actions speak louder than words is an undeniable dictum. So who decides How much is too much? 

Person performing the action? 

Person or object experiencing the effects of action?

 People considering themselves experienced in the field of given action? 

Let's take an example to understand this ' Excess Philosophy '. In case of academics, who decides how much is too much?

 The teacher who teaches? 

The student who learns? 

Or the academician who designs what has to taught or learnt? 

Example2: When a mother pampers her child, who decides when its too much?

The mother who gives?

The child who receives?

Or the family who which is encompassing the two?

      How much is too much- where eating and life style diseases are concerned. The WHO defines Obesity as a condition with BMI of 30 or more. Obesity leads to increased risk of cardiovascular diseses( CVD). Cohort study using data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination survey proclaims that non-obese individuals stand as high as 53% chances of suffering from CVD than their obese counterparts. Absurdly shocking!!! Where is the too much when you munch? 

     Too much at the pschye level- Obessions. Obession as defined by DSM-5 is defined as recurrent, persistent thoughts, urges or images experienced at some time during the disturbance as intrusive and inappropriate that may cause marked anxiety and distress. In contrast,  The Forbes quotes " Bill Gates had been obessed with computers since he was 13." Where was the anxiety or distress?  Though these pangs were felt by his parents which compelled him to abandon his Microsoft -tic possessions for nine months only to bounch back and rule the world of technology.

     After all this, a maniacal writer like me brings a patient reader like you back to the  poignant question, " How much is too much?" Without testing the MUCH of your patience, presenting before you my humble scales of understanding on this debate. The flesh is still yours!! 

     Comfort determines when How much doesn't become Too much. Excess is when one starts feeling uncomfortable whether it is love, hatred, discipline or similar likes. As the feeling of discomfort creeps in, start drawing the lines. Make your feelings your words and your words your actions. And if things still lurk, make your actions your agendas! Fight or flight? Choice is soley yours. Till then no studies, research, statistics( for that matter not even my article) can dictate How much is too much. A pleasurable sexual act becomes rape only when one feels the discomfort. Food becomes poison only when the stomach grumbles. Too many cooks spoil the soup leads again to excess. Comfort matters- the mattress manufacturers also bombard you. 

   Before the discomfort of reading this sets, amicably withdrawing my Too Much of Nonsense. Hopefully it is a little more than No Sense!! 




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