
Showing posts from June, 2021


TSUJONOPHOBIA. Don't run away! I ain't abusing you. To abuse you, I need to first use you, exploit use and then when the remains of your scrap don't yield a darn fruitful thing, I will abuse you. In first place, to use you, do I know how to operate a simple Samsung Galaxy (whichever number it is trending)? Then how can I use the near to perfect creation of the heavenly Bill Gates( its high time we have a physical name to God rather than a metaphysical one like Bhagwan or Allah or any Tom Dick or Harry)? So, after all the beating around the metaphorical bush, I admit I can't use or abuse normal, plaintive individuals like you. For I have TSUJONOPHOBIA! Now that humongous word, was drilled into my dictionary this morning by a good social media inspired friend. What's in the name? As our literary father says, I call him only friend. A friend who just helped me diagnose my eons of misery where I always felt to be a black sheep. ABNORMAL for me or as I have seen it sprea