Happy New Year

 What a year it has been? Everyone's written about it and how can I not let my butt, butt in? Maybe I'm late to join the party yet the last drink on the house will be mine. Which house?  Whose house? Who cares? Till the drink is all mine. What I drink? Drinking high spirit concoations was my passion of yesteryears. Today, I feast on blood. Blood of people who read my blogs and tear their hair in desperation for the grave folly they have just committed. I'm no where to be blammed for it,  I just offered you FREE advice, you took the overdose just because it was Free! The Nallasopara mentality just won't do you any good my friend. All your life you will be thirsty for someone's blood as water scarcity issues have not yet been tackled. 

To that, I remember this year we have not brooded over water scarity, potholes, berozgari, kaminapan, mehengai and similar human apathies. Suddenly, everyone had a job but none could go after it. The restaurant dinners were affordable its just that the shutters were closed. The lament was not about I need something, it was more for I have it but can't relish it. Paisa hai par Delhi mein aur Delhi bahot dur hai... Sona hai par Lanka mein aur Lanka jane ke liye visa nahi! So the year was of what I have yet I couldn't enjoy. For some it was, I have my cake, ate it too but now digesting it isn't a cakewalk!

 Wow!  What a comeback! This is what was the state for some firangis who suddenly felt blessed to be in Nallasopara than in Netherlands. Soon they discovered that they belonged to neither land. Na ghar ka na ghaat ka... Girne ke liye nalla bhi na raha uska. People started eyeing these NRIs so suspiciously as if the notorious, spiked organism danced on their noses. Motherland was their respite and rehabilitation centre this time than a land of turning your black into white. No racism, only secularism of Hindi-Chini bhai bhai... Oops did I say that? Sorry this year was year of delusions too. 

Delusion that I am independent. Delusion that I am my boss. Delusion that whatever I do I walk free. Delusion that I capture and you serve. Delusion that I am eternal.  Where we buy these delusions from I don't know but the supply is unlimited. The prices never soar yet you keep paying a price for each one of this delusion. The biggest delusion people faced this year was I still have the time. Time a luxury we thought was ticking at our fingertips which in the present hour took away our liberty. We had time then not now. Waqt waqt ki baat hai ki ab waqt hi nahi raha. Time consumed people as once they consumed time. Time took away our loved ones as we once stole its minutes and hours. Time changed weathers as we changed colours. It was a delusional time and may be will get out its ugly head time and again. 

What else happened this year? Oh so the onion prices climbed up the coconut tree and indeed smart housewives replaced the onion with the coconut in humble curries. But this year I truly missed Mallishka singing akha Mumbai khadyat gela...and shaking her not so appealing booty. Where were you Mallishka? Didn't it rain in your country? Oh it rained corona kya? Then, the next video release better be quick for a new strain also arriving. 

Bas karu kya, my patrolling of Mallishka? Ok I give up. Not ending before some Sanjeev kapoor giri that we all did. YouTube is the highest earning online portal now with its sister concern WeTube getting launched. Who is launching? Arey WE the aam aadami not the Aap aadami haan. We cooked as if there was no tomorrow. We ate as if today was all we had and then we stretched as if Yoga was our only crusader. 

You would now feel like butting your butt too reminding me of all the online business that we did. Yes of course how can I forget the zoom get togethers, meetings, hangovers and gupsups. The google not only acquainted you to people but also made you MEET them. People married on zoom, gave birth to babies, cleaned their nappies and send them to school too, on zoom. Suddenly there was a zoom celebration and I was part of the baraatis leading from front. 

Then came the challenges. The saree challenge, the baby challenge, couple challenge and what not. For me the biggest challenge was to stay with an entire family all time. Till now I lived it in precise portions. Mornings with oldies and progeny,   evenings with my genie. But now all together making me run like a bunny. I could exactly tell how many times the genie burped and how long he snored, so close was the association. Pray that I don't tell about other musical extravaganzas.

Hushh... I'm tired of the delusional memories and mandatory mentions of each. 

Finally, its yet not the end. Its again a delusion that it has come to an end. 



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