My two worlds

 Have you ever tried jumping in and out of the shore waters? Of course you must have! How foolish of me to have asked you such a silly question! Anywhere in the world, there could be times, you must have been a silent spectator at the opera of the sea. Sometimes it's loud and boisterous, roaring like an angry lion to prove its supremacy. Sometimes it's silent and calm, slidding under your bare feet like a docile snail. Sometimes its totally mute, no sound of its ebb and flow. Really is it that different on diverse occasions? Or is it my mind that sees its mood reflected in the waves? 

On traumatic days, I see the waves crashing on the boulders making smooth pebbles of it. How tortuous, engulfing the waves are, that they erode the strong, rough surface to metamorphose into a burnished rock! Their untrammelled cruelty, changing the boulder to better. Inspite of the abuse by the waves, the rock stands solid, not moving as if desirous of the torment. My mind too loves the torments of its milieu. It adores the jeering of the crowd around and enjoys the ridiculous stone pelting in form of criticism and mockery. Sometimes I try clouting those I can reach, losing my normal discretion. But then I realize my folly of losing my cool to things which are not going to change or adapt. 

Slowly, I see the tranquility of the sea. How meticulously it seeps in between my toes without disturbing their alignment and configuration. I firmly hold on to the receding sand particles making my firm impressions on them. The dusky sun beams at the orange horizon, telling me their is going to be a dawn and an awakening tomorrow. I wait with serene breaths for that tomorrow and I know it will come no matter where the waves take me. 

The wind blowing the mast of a distant sailing ship, whispers in my ears to stand tall but not rigid. It lifts my hand and cajoles me to dance in its rhythm. A song it is singing for all, who come to seek the solace of the sea. I dance and sing along like their is no tomorrow. I sway with my incognito partner rustling in my loose tresses and smile at the way he holds me, without gripping. Delicately, the wind leaves whatever hold it had on me and now I rotate in my own rhythm, my own paradigm. 

I want the sea to be like the sun and the wind. Close yet distant. Involved yet aloof. Encompassing  yet liberal. Can my milieu also be the same? 

If you have yet not jumped in and out of shore waters, try it the next time you open your doors to seek peace outside. The jumping in and out will be tiring and you will settle for either of the worlds. On occasions there will be a celebration inside, on others there will be a mingling outside. Don't expect the sea to understand you but allow the wind at the bay to enthrall you. Let the two worlds vibrate in their own frequencies without you trying to jump in and out. 

Let them touch you in your own equilibrium! 


  1. This battle takes place inside our mind every minute and every breath we take, but you have put it up so beautifully mam, just got drenched in my childhood memories and my school picnic when I was in 8th standard.


  2. Your poetic reflection was engrossing and reflected a mind tick tocking away, curiously asking questions, seeking answers while diving deep within to fetch precious pearls! Loved it!

  3. What a poetic description of the vagaries of the mind!


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